
2016-01-31 13:58:04


Validator = {
elementErrorClass: 'error',
language: 'fo',
languages: {
'fo': {
textbox: {
required: 'Hetta økið er kravt',
min: 'Hetta økið skal í minsta lagi vera {characters} stavir',
max: 'Hetta økið skal í mesta lagi vera {characters} stavir',
email: 'Teldupost adressan er ikki gildig',
url: 'Vev adressan er ikki gildig',
number: 'Bert tøl eru loyvd',
digits: 'Bert tøl eru loyvd'
password: {
required: 'Hetta økið er kravt',
min: 'Hetta økið skal í minsta lagi vera {characters} stavir',
max: 'Hetta økið skal í mesta lagi vera {characters} stavir',
match: 'Loyniorðini eru ikki líka'
radio: {
checkbox: {
required: 'Hesin avkrossingarteigur er kravdur'
select: {
required: 'Vel eitt virði í hesum vallista'
textarea: {
required: 'Hetta økið er kravt',
min: 'Hetta økið skal í minsta lagi vera {characters} stavir',
max: 'Hetta økið skal í mesta lagi vera {characters} stavir',
url: 'Vev adressan er ikki gildig'
'da': {
textbox: {
required: 'Dette felt skal udfyldes',
min: 'Dette felt skal være mindst {characters} tegn',
max: 'Dette felt skal være højst {characters} tegn',
email: 'Denne email er ugyldig',
url: 'Denne webside er ugyldigt',
number: 'Kun tal',
digits: 'Kun tal'
password: {
required: 'Dette felt skal udfyldes',
min: 'Dette felt skal være mindst {characters} tegn',
max: 'Dette felt skal være højst {characters} tegn',
match: 'Kodeordene er ikke ens'
radio: {
checkbox: {
required: 'Denne checkbox skal checkes'
select: {
required: 'Vælg et felt i listen'
textarea: {
required: 'Dette felt skal udfyldes',
min: 'Dette felt skal være mindst {characters} tegn',
max: 'Dette felt skal være højst {characters} tegn',
url: 'Denne webside er ugyldigt'
'en': {
textbox: {
required: 'This field is required',
min: 'This field must contain at least {characters} characters',
max: 'This field must not contain more than {characters} characters',
email: 'Email is not valid',
url: 'Website is not valid',
number: 'Only numbers',
digits: 'Only numbers'
password: {
required: 'This field is required',
min: 'This field must contain at least {characters} characters',
max: 'This field must not contain more than {characters} characters',
match: 'The passwords do not match'
radio: {
checkbox: {
required: 'This checkbox is required'
select: {
required: 'Choose a field from the list'
textarea: {
required: 'This field is required',
min: 'This field must contain at least {characters} characters',
max: 'This field must not contain more than {characters} characters',
url: 'Website is not valid'
showError: function (element, text) {
if (!$(element).hasClass(Validator.elementErrorClass)) {
var error = document.createElement('div');
if ($(element).attr('data-error-position') == undefined) {
var errorPosition = 'before';
if ($(this).is('input') && $(this).attr('type') == 'checkbox') {
errorPosition = 'before label';
} else {
errorPosition = $(element).attr('data-error-position');
var attrValue = errorPosition.split(' ');
var targetElementForError;
if (attrValue[1] == undefined) {
targetElementForError = element;
} else {
targetElementForError = $(element).closest(attrValue[1])[0];
if (attrValue[0] == 'before') {
} else if (attrValue[0] == 'after') {
if ($(element).attr('data-match') != undefined) {
$('#' + $(element).attr('data-match')).addClass(Validator.elementErrorClass);
validate: function (form) {
var hasErrors = false;
var firstErrorElement = null;
$(form).find('input, select, textarea').each(function () {
var regex = null;
// Input[type=text]
if ($(this).is('input') && ($(this).attr('type') == 'text' || $(this).attr('type') == undefined)) {
// required
if ($(this).attr('data-required') != undefined && $(this).val() == '' && $(this).attr('data-required-if') == undefined) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].textbox.required);
hasErrors = true;
// required-if & required-if-value
if ($(this).attr('data-required-if') != undefined && $(this).val() == '' && (($(this).attr('data-required-if-value') == undefined && $('#' + $(this).attr('data-required-if')).is(':checked')) || ($(this).attr('data-required-if-value') != undefined && $('#' + $(this).attr('data-required-if')).val() == $(this).attr('data-required-if-value')))) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].textbox.required);
hasErrors = true;
// min
if ($(this).attr('data-min') != undefined && $(this).val().length < parseFloat($(this).attr('data-min')) && $(this).val().length != 0) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].textbox.min.replace('{characters}', $(this).attr('data-min')));
hasErrors = true;
// max
if ($(this).attr('data-max') != undefined && $(this).val().length > parseFloat($(this).attr('data-max'))) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].textbox.max.replace('{characters}', $(this).attr('data-min')));
hasErrors = true;
// patterns
if ($(this).attr('data-type') != undefined) {
switch ($(this).attr('data-type')) {
case 'email':
regex = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
if (!regex.test($(this).val()) && $(this).val() != '') {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language];
hasErrors = true;
case 'url':
regex = /^(https?:\/\/)?((([a-z\d]([a-z\d-]*[a-z\d])*)\.)+[a-z]{2,}|((\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}))(\:\d+)?(\/[-a-z\d%_.~+]*)*(\?[;&a-z\d%_{},.~+=-]*)?(\#[-a-z\d_]*)?$/i;
if (!regex.test($(this).val().replace('_', '')) && $(this).val() != '') {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].textbox.url);
hasErrors = true;
case 'number':
regex = /^\s*(\+|-)?((\d+([\.,]\d+)?)|([\.,]\d+))\s*$/;
if (!regex.test($(this).val()) && $(this).val() != '') {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].textbox.number);
hasErrors = true;
case 'digits':
regex = /^\s*\d+\s*$/;
if (!regex.test($(this).val()) && $(this).val() != '') {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].textbox.digits);
hasErrors = true;
// Input[type=password]
if ($(this).is('input') && $(this).attr('type') == 'password') {
// required
if ($(this).attr('data-required') != undefined && $(this).val() == '' && $(this).attr('data-required-if') == undefined) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].password.required);
hasErrors = true;
// required-if & required-if-value
if ($(this).attr('data-required-if') != undefined && $(this).val() == '' && (($(this).attr('data-required-if-value') == undefined && $('#' + $(this).attr('data-required-if')).is(':checked')) || ($(this).attr('data-required-if-value') != undefined && $('#' + $(this).attr('data-required-if')).val() == $(this).attr('data-required-if-value')))) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].password.required);
hasErrors = true;
// min
if ($(this).attr('data-min') != undefined && $(this).val().length < parseFloat($(this).attr('data-min')) && $(this).val().length != 0) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].password.min.replace('{characters}', $(this).attr('data-min')));
hasErrors = true;
// max
if ($(this).attr('data-max') != undefined && $(this).val().length > parseFloat($(this).attr('data-max'))) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].password.max.replace('{characters}', $(this).attr('data-min')));
hasErrors = true;
// match
if ($(this).attr('data-match') != undefined && $(this).val() != $('#' + $(this).attr('data-match')).val()) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].password.match);
hasErrors = true;
// Input[type=radio]
if ($(this).is('input') && $(this).attr('type') == 'radio') {
// Input[type=checkbox]
if ($(this).is('input') && $(this).attr('type') == 'checkbox') {
// required
if ($(this).attr('data-required') != undefined && !$(this).is(':checked') && $(this).attr('data-required-if') == undefined) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].checkbox.required);
hasErrors = true;
// required-if & required-if-value
if ($(this).attr('data-required-if') != undefined && $(this).val() == '' && (($(this).attr('data-required-if-value') == undefined && $('#' + $(this).attr('data-required-if')).is(':checked')) || ($(this).attr('data-required-if-value') != undefined && $('#' + $(this).attr('data-required-if')).val() == $(this).attr('data-required-if-value')))) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].checkbox.required);
hasErrors = true;
// Select
if ($(this).is('select')) {
// required
if ($(this).attr('data-required') != undefined && $(this).val() == '' && $(this).attr('data-required-if') == undefined) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].select.required);
hasErrors = true;
// required-if & required-if-value
if ($(this).attr('data-required-if') != undefined && $(this).val() == '' && (($(this).attr('data-required-if-value') == undefined && $('#' + $(this).attr('data-required-if')).is(':checked')) || ($(this).attr('data-required-if-value') != undefined && $('#' + $(this).attr('data-required-if')).val() == $(this).attr('data-required-if-value')))) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].select.required);
hasErrors = true;
// Textarea
if ($(this).is('textarea')) {
// required
if ($(this).attr('data-required') != undefined && $(this).val() == '' && $(this).attr('data-required-if') == undefined) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].textarea.required);
hasErrors = true;
// required-if & required-if-value
if ($(this).attr('data-required-if') != undefined && $(this).val() == '' && (($(this).attr('data-required-if-value') == undefined && $('#' + $(this).attr('data-required-if')).is(':checked')) || ($(this).attr('data-required-if-value') != undefined && $('#' + $(this).attr('data-required-if')).val() == $(this).attr('data-required-if-value')))) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].textarea.required);
hasErrors = true;
// min
if ($(this).attr('data-min') != undefined && $(this).val().length < parseFloat($(this).attr('data-min')) && $(this).val().length != 0) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].textarea.min.replace('{characters}', $(this).attr('data-min')));
hasErrors = true;
// max
if ($(this).attr('data-max') != undefined && $(this).val().length > parseFloat($(this).attr('data-max'))) {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].textarea.max.replace('{characters}', $(this).attr('data-min')));
hasErrors = true;
// patterns
if ($(this).attr('data-type') != undefined) {
switch ($(this).attr('data-type')) {
case 'url':
regex = /^(https?:\/\/)?((([a-z\d]([a-z\d-]*[a-z\d])*)\.)+[a-z]{2,}|((\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}))(\:\d+)?(\/[-a-z\d%_.~+]*)*(\?[;&a-z\d%_{},.~+=-]*)?(\#[-a-z\d_]*)?$/i;
if (!regex.test($(this).val()) && $(this).val() != '') {
Validator.showError(this, Validator.languages[Validator.language].textarea.url);
hasErrors = true;
// Focus first element with error
if (hasErrors && firstErrorElement == null) {
firstErrorElement = this;
return !hasErrors;
removeErrors: function (form) {
// Remove all error text divs
$(form).find('.validator-error').each(function () {
$(form).find('.error').each(function () {
// Reset error classes
$(form).find('input[type=text], input[type=password], input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox], select, textarea').each(function () {
if ($(this).attr('type') == 'radio' || $(this).attr('type') == 'checkbox') {
} else {
$(function () {
$('form.validator').each(function () {
$(this).submit(function () {
return Validator.validate(this);

使用的时候,在form添加class="validator" 然后在表单内的输入框或者checkbox添加 
 data-type="url" data-required 


属性 有效值 描述
data-required no value If this is set, then the input will require some content
data-required-if element id If set to an id of an element, then it will only be required if said element is checked or has the value of data-required-if-value
data-required-if-value element value If data-required-if is set to an element id, then it will only be required if said element has said value
data-min=0-9 0-9 The minimum length of the input
data-max=0-9 0-9 The maximum length of the input
data-type email,url,number,digits email are url are self explanatory, number are the characters 0-9+ - . ,digits are the characters 0-9 only
data-error-position before,after,before-{tagname},after-{tagname} By default the error messages will appear before the input element in the DOM, but you can also set it to appear after. If neede then you can also set it t be before or after the closest parent matching the tagname specified after the dash -




Attribute Valid values Description
data-required no value If this is set, then the input will require some content
data-required-if element id If set to an id of an element, then it will only validate if said element is checked or has the value of data-required-if-value
data-required-if-value element value If data-required-if is set to an element id, then it will only validate if said element has said value
data-min=0-9 0-9 The minimum length of the input
data-max=0-9 0-9 The maximum length of the input
data-match element id If set to an id of another input element, it will match the contents against that element
data-error-position before,after,before-{tagname},after-{tagname} By default the error messages will appear before the input element in the DOM, but you can also set it to appear after. If neede then you can also set it t be before or after the closest parent matching the tagname specified after th


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